Webinar: Reaction Calorimetry Part 1

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Theory, best practices and real-world examples of reaction calorimetry in action

This two-part webinar series will discuss isothermal reaction calorimetry and its involvement in industrial research applications.

For those new to calorimetry, attending these webinars will give you more details on methods, including power compensation, heat flow, and isoperibolic calorimetry.

We will also discuss how Maximum Temperature of Synthesis Reaction (MTSR) calculations are achieved when working with the H.E.L Simular, and why the calculations are an asset to your applications.

Each webinar offers a live Q&A segment, where we openly invite questions on how we can help you achieve your goals.

Things you will learn about:

Understanding calorimetry for process development​

What is calorimetry? The basic principles of calorimetry

Various methods of reaction calorimetry ​

Isoperibolic Isothermal Ramped


Heat Flow Power Compensation Heat-Balance Peltier Method Reflux

You can find out more about Part 2 in the series here.

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