
Following the initial discovery of new crystal forms, the development phase shifts the focus from exploration to optimization. This phase aims to refine the conditions identified during the discovery phase to enhance the crystal forms’ yield, purity, and reproducibility. Such improvements are essential for ensuring that the process is efficient enough to be considered at larger scales and that the quality of the product meets the standards for industrial applications. This is particularly important in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

During the development phase, the aim is to understand and control the crystal growth and stability mechanism. It is paramount that different variables, such as temperature gradients, solvent mixtures, and seeing techniques, affect the kinetics of both nucleation and crystal growth are studied to achieve this. It usually requires a combination of modeling tools and controlled experiments, enabling the prediction and manipulation of crystal morphology and size distribution.

Additionally, this phase often utilizes scale-up experiments to gain insight into the viability of the process and its replicability on a larger scale. For this, the crystallization process must be economically feasible and adhere to environmental and safety standards. As we can see, the development phase combines the acquisition of technical information and its integration into scalable processes that align with the market needs and regulation requirements.

What are the challenges in optimizing conditions for crystal growth and purity during development?

The main driving force in the crystallization process is the solubility of the compound of interest. The solubility depends on a range of variables:

  • Solvent(s): due to the interaction with the solutes, solvents can stabilize or destabilize different crystal forms. For instance, solvents that strongly interest the molecule of interest can enhance the solubility of the crystal by interfering with the intermolecular bonds within the solute and vice versa. In multi-solvent systems, the solvent ratio can drastically affect the polarity of the medium and consequently affect the solubility, leading to different crystal forms.
  • Temperature: although an increase in temperature generally tends to favor the solubility of solids in liquid, this is not universal. Temperature changes also influence the nucleation and growth rate of crystals. Thermodynamics dictates that at higher temperatures, the molecular motion increases, which, in turn, can drastically affect crystal quality and size distribution.
  • pH: the pH of a solution will impact the charge state of solute molecules, especially in the case of ionic compounds or molecules that contain ionizable groups. Changes in the ionic state will affect the solubility of the molecule. Additionally, pH can affect nucleation processes due to its influence on the electrostatic interaction between atoms and molecules.

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