What key features should considered in catalysis and hydrogenation studies?
The discovery phase is a long phase in which different catalysis, substrates, and products must be tested. Parallelization can increase the throughput of this process, enabling researchers to test different substances under the same conditions to identify potential candidates. Alternatively, the same candidate reaction can be tested under different conditions, decreasing the number of tests needed. High-resolution techniques and automation are crucial in characterizing reaction kinetics efficiently, enabling accurate and timely data collection while minimizing human error.
H.E.L provides highly customizable and flexible instruments designed for catalyst screening and hydrogenation. Parallel systems offer increased throughput, decreasing the time required to optimize processes. Manual screening can be performed using the CAT range, allowing for up to 7, 18, or 24 individual reactors of different volumes. For higher throughput screening, the DigiCAT 96 allows for up to 96 individual tests using a 96-well Zinsser block, ideal for early catalyst development. The ChemSCAN is a fully automated benchtop catalyst screening platform with four reactors with varied volumes. This allows the ChemSCAN for each reactor to operate independently or in parallel, reducing testing times.
High-pressure is particularly interesting for gaseous reactions (such as hydrogenation) as it favors the solubility of gases in liquid phases. H.E.L’s PolyCAT (4 and 8) are benchtop, automated screening platforms specifically designed for this type of reaction. Additionally, using different reactor volumes (from 16 to 500 ml) can help reduce costs associated with using resources.

Catalyst Screening Platforms | Manual Systems
Our complete range of multi-sample high throughput catalyst screening vessels has been des...

ChemSCAN | Parallel Catalyst Screening and Development Platform
The ChemSCAN is a bench-top, automated parallel catalyst screening platform, designed for ...