In this section, you will find a library of specific case studies/application notes demonstrating the extensive functionality of how scientists are using H.E.L equipment in all the fields of work, including research, scale-up, and production. These case studies show real results and demonstrate our equipment’s performance in applications for biotechnology, thermal hazards, catalysis, calorimetry, flow chemistry, parallel processing, crystallization, and particle studies. These application notes and case studies are subject to copyright. To use any part of this work, please contact us.

Creating Process Safety Data Sheets for Safe Scale-Up in Pharma/API Production

Creating Process Safety Data Sheets for Safe Scale-Up in Pharma/API Production

The pharmaceutical industry faces unique challenges as it progresses from R&D bench-scale to plant production, moving from milligram quantities to tons. High-quality active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) must be produced in a cost-effective fashion while complying with regulatory requirements for safety and consistency. As such, process safety remains a fundamental pillar to meet these demands and mitigate potential hazards linked to industrial production. In this article, we explore best practices and state-of-the-art tools that can be used to produce Process Safety Date Sheets (PSDS).