In this section, you will find a library of specific case studies/application notes demonstrating the extensive functionality of how scientists are using H.E.L equipment in all the fields of work, including research, scale-up, and production. These case studies show real results and demonstrate our equipment’s performance in applications for biotechnology, thermal hazards, catalysis, calorimetry, flow chemistry, parallel processing, crystallization, and particle studies. These application notes and case studies are subject to copyright. To use any part of this work, please contact us.

The use of a H.E.L BioXplorer in fermentations of Cupriavidus necator H16 at elevated pressure using CO2 as the sole carbon source
In this case study, the H.E.L BioXplorer was used to evaluate microbial fermentation in either autotrophic mode or heterotrophic mode.

Using the Phi-TEC I in Thermally Unstable Environments
In this study, environmental thermal instability was deliberately introduced while using the Phi-TEC I adiabatic calorimeter for exothermic reaction detection.

Investigating Zinc Oxide-Modified Mordenite as an Effective Catalyst for the Dehydrogenation of Ethanol utilizing the FlowCAT
In this study, the H.E.L FlowCAT was used for the development and optimization of a process for the production of acetaldehyde via the dehydrogenation of bioethanol. This is the first stage toward a multistep reaction, taking ethanol to higher-value chemicals.

Investigating a Sponge Metal Catalysts in a Trickle Bed Reactor for Continuous Hydrogenation Inflow
In this study, the H.E.L. FlowCAT was used to optimize the inflow of the reductive hydrogenation of an aliphatic nitro intermediate using a sponge nickel catalyst in a trickle bed reactor. Once optimal conditions were established, 1.2 kg of reagent was successfully reduced, with a yield of approximately 90% over a period of 19 hours.

How to use an isothermal calorimeter to characterize a gel battery
By using the iso-BTC – isothermal calorimeter, coupled with a charge/discharge unit, which is specifically designed for the testing of cells and battery packs. We could characterize a battery’s over a wide range of operational conditions.